- Learn about your Patrol; it's Flag, yell and corner.
- Know the General Health rules and practice BP's 6 exercises or Suryanamaskars.
- Learn and practice Hand and Whistle signals.
- Learn woodcraft signs and follow a track.
- Whip the ends of the rope.
- Tie and show the uses of:-
a) Reef Knot b) Sheet Bend c) Clove hitch d)
Sheep Shank e) Bowline f) Fisherman Bend
- Participate in Troop games
- Practice simple drill
- First Aid
a) Contents of the first aid box Demonstrate
use of Roller b) Roller bandage c) Triangular bandage d) Collar Sling e) Triangular suspension sling f) Render
first aid for cuts and scratches
- Participate in 2 patrol outdoor meetings or a patrol day hike.
- Make a gadget or handicraft useful at home.
Adopt for purpose of keeping clean a park or a water-point or a bus stop
or any other public spot or a building for a week.
OR Observe for at least a month , a breeding place of mosquitoes/flies and look at its cleanliness.
- Participate in any 2 of the following:-
a) Undertake a nature study project b)
Discuss with your scoutmaster and render some service on any one of the points of scout law and submit areport. c) Visit
a Village panchayat/Block development office /Municipal office and learn about the services rendered by one such public organistion
and submit a report to your Scoutmaster and submit a report within 10 days.
- Maintain a diary of Daily good turn at home for at least a month.
#Hand & Whistle signals
#Wood craft Signs
#Knots & Whipping
#First Aid
- Tie and demonstrate the uses of:
a) Timber Hitch b) Rolling Hitch c) Marline spike
hitch d) Figure of eight hitch e) Sheer Lashing f) Square Lashing g) Diagonal Lashing h) Demonstrate the use
of 4 camp tools
- Fire:
Lay and light a wood fire in the open with not more than 2 match sticks and clean
and light a kerosene/gas stove.
- Cooking:
Cook in the open, two simple dishes enough for 2 persons and make tea/coffee
for one patrol over wood fire or stove.
- Compass:
a) Demonstrate practical use of compass and know the sixteen points. b)
Be able to find North by at least two constellations. c) Have knowledge of paces, bearings and map sketches.
- First Aid:
Demonstrate a) St.John's sling b) Improvised stretcher c) Throw
a lifeline for 10 mts. d) Render First Aid for i) Burns and scalds ii)
Sprains iii) Stings and Bites iv) Bleeding from the nose
- Satisfy your Scoutmaster about your good behaviour at home and school is good.
- Estimate with the help of improvised apparatus, 2 distances/width of not more than 100
- Participate in a Troop Wide Game.
- Know and demonstrate Signaling by Morse Code by use of Flag/Disc/Buzzer or Semaphore by
- Qualify for one of the following proficiency badges:-
a) Cook b) Debator c) Friend to
animals d) Gardner e) Handyman f) Cyclist g) Laundrer
- Participate in Troop/Patrol sustained activity for a month in your community using Scouting
- Complete any 2 of the following:-
a) Collect information on our heritage and culture
and prepare a log b) Undertake a development project in your school with your patrol in consultation with the head of the
institution. c) Participate in a social service camp d) Serve in a community fair or mela e) Discuss with your parents
and neighbours about a pollution problem in your locality and make a report of it.
- Serve as a Pratham Sopan Scout for atleast nine months.
Copyright 2004, xvbom